Web-application MVP for Crowdfighting

Since childhood, I was fascinated by the plastic movements of martial arts. I myself practiced karate, later qigong and tai chi. Therefore, when in 2019, my friend, Yura Yardyvankin, offered me to participate in a project to organize sports fights on the principle of “UBER for X”, I agreed with no argue. The task was to develop an MVP web application with implemented processes for registering participants and fighting locations (sports clubs, for example), calling for a fight and / or organizing a fight or tournament with the possibility of discussing and agreeing on the fight conditions, automatically registering battle statuses, logging, posting a broadcast link (while on an external streaming service) and a number of necessary functionalities.
07/23/2020 we held the first tournament in Chelyabinsk using the Crowdfighting platform and now launching a campaign to attract target audience to the platform.
In addition to being one and only developer, in this project I am, as well as in most of my projects, designer and administrator of VPS. There is nothing interesting to write about administration – just deployed and configured another server on Centos (LAMP with Nginx proxy + security + backups + logging + monitoring).
Design tasks are more diverse: web application UI design (for MVP tasks), logo and corporate identity development, other small tasks as social media posters, ring extensions, tournament screensavers for video broadcasts, prizes for the participants of the first tournament.
UPDATE: My work in this project is over and link is now not relevant to project results.